27 February 2024

Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works
The Honourable Meaghan Scanlon

  • Critical Response Team will be established in Bundaberg to help people experiencing homelessness find a safe place to stay
  • Modelled on successful Brisbane team, which has helped more than 450 people into housing

A new team will be established in Bundaberg to rapidly respond and help people experiencing homelessness.

It’s part of the Miles Government’s new long-term housing plan – Homes for Queenslanders – which also includes a 20 per cent uplift in funding for homelessness services.

The Critical Response Team will regularly visit known areas where people are experiencing homelessness in Bundaberg and offer rapid support to help them find accommodation.

It’s modelled off the successful Brisbane Critical Response Team, which in less than one year has helped more than 450 people find alternative accommodation like social housing, private rentals and boarding houses.

Brisbane’s Critical Response Team worked with key stakeholders, including council, police, the Homeless Health Outreach Team, Micah Projects and Brisbane Youth Service.

The Bundaberg team will include dedicated Housing and Homelessness Services staff and work in conjunction with Regional Housing Limited as well as government and non-government organisations to engage with people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness about their housing needs and identify alternative accommodation.

Quotes attributable to Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith:

“When the government was putting together Homes for Queenslanders, I made it clear that we wanted to see more support for the most vulnerable in our community.

“Having a dedicated team on the ground helping people sleeping rough will make a significant difference.

“When I’ve met with people experiencing homelessness in our community, a number have spoken to me about not knowing where to start when it comes to getting help or having to visit the housing service centre – this removes those barriers.

“This is an important achievement for our community on top of the 20 per cent injection our hardworking homelessness organisations have received as well.”

Quotes attributable to Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon:

“Tom hasn’t been shy in letting us know that getting more support for people experiencing homelessness has been front of mind for the city, and I’d like to acknowledge his advocacy in this space.

“Every Queenslander deserves a safe place to live.

“For those who have fallen through the cracks – we’re giving our hardworking homeless organisations more funding, but also rolling out rapid response teams to help people with accommodation, and eventually a permanent place to call home.

“While we deliver our social housing Big Build and build more homes faster, we also need to support services on the ground and that’s what this funding will do.

“I’ve seen firsthand how this team has made a difference for people sleeping rough in the Brisbane CBD and I know that expanding these teams to regional areas of Queensland will have a big impact.

“As well as establishing Critical Response Teams across the state, hundreds more emergency accommodation places will be made available and we’ll employ more frontline staff in our Housing Service Centres to support Queenslanders who need housing assistance.’’

Further information:

Anyone who needs housing assistance can contact the Bundaberg Housing Service Centre on 5645 8100 during business hours or call the 24/7 Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753.