05 February 2024


The Honourable Steven Miles

Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
The Honourable Cameron Dick

Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works
The Honourable Meaghan Scanlon

  • The Miles Government’s housing plan sets a bold target of 53,500 social homes by 2046
  • This will involve ramping up public and community housing delivery in Queensland to more than 2,000 homes on average per year
  • $1.25 billion of additional funds to build on the Government’s record Big Build investment
  • Queensland will continue to work with the Australian Government, community housing sector and other partners as we grow social housing supply and work towards this target

The Miles Government’s soon-to-be-released housing plan will see its Big Build get even bigger with an ambitious target of 53,500 social homes in Queensland by 2046.

Backed in by a down payment towards this target of $1.25 billion of additional funds, this adds to the $6 billion investment in social and affordable housing our Government has committed to.

The State will also continue to partner with the Federal Government to secure funding to deliver on this ambitious target, including through the Social Housing Accelerator and ensuring Queensland gets its fair share under the Housing Australia Future Fund. 

These investments combined are expected to ramp up public and community housing delivery in Queensland to more than 2,000 homes on average per year by 2028.

The social housing target in Homes for Queenslanders was informed by modelling done by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.

The modelling incorporates historical and predictive analysis, including population growth and social and economic factors, to inform social housing need, and is the first of its kind in Australia.

The homes build on the more than 5,000 already delivered by the government since 2015 – with more than 75,000 social homes currently in Queensland.  

The government has delivered more social homes despite economic and construction challenges, deploying innovative solutions like modular homes, acquisitions and greater density on sites that previously had one or two social homes. 

The build will significantly ramp up over coming years, with delivery to vary year on year in line with market conditions, with a focus on innovative processes like modular homes.

The overarching social housing target will continue to be reviewed over time in line with changes in population and housing need.

Quotes attributable to Premier Steven Miles:

“Every Queenslander deserves a place to call home. That means we need to build more homes – it’s that simple.

“Our government already had the biggest investment in housing in the state’s history. Today, we take that even further.

“Our plan sets the target of 53,500 social homes by 2046, backed by over $1.2 billion of additional funding, which takes the investment to over $7 billion since 2015.

“I made it clear that in order to address our state’s housing need any plan needs to address five key housing pillars – one of those being a boost to social housing.

“This will be the most ambitious social housing program in recent history.

“We won’t waste any time getting to work because vulnerable Queenslanders deserve a safe place to call home.”

Quotes attributable to Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon:

“Queensland is one of only two states in the country to have increased public housing in the last decade, but it’s clear we need to do more. And our Big Housing Build is now getting bigger.

“This plan and this announcement shows that only the Miles Government is focussed on making sure we deliver more homes for Queenslanders.

“This is the first time any state in Australia has outlined its social housing program based on modelling and evidence.

“Queenslanders have already seen us work with industry to find new ways to build homes faster – including social homes – and we’ll be working with them closely to program another 53,500 over coming decades. 

“Experts have said this is an issue that’s been decades in the making, and that it requires a long-term plan to solve it. Homes for Queenslanders does just that.”

Quotes attributable to Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) CEO Aimee McVeigh:

“Queensland’s community sector has been witnessing distressing levels of social housing need right across the state.

“The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute modelling demonstrates that the need is substantial, and that the delivery and investment in social housing needs to be turbocharged in Queensland.

“We all understand that the housing crisis has been caused by a lack of housing supply, so this very significant uplift and commitment shows that the Miles Government not only listens, but is willing to act on evidence.

“Building new social housing isn’t just about bricks and mortar, it’s an investment in the well-being and dignity of our fellow Queenslanders, including thousands of families.

“We applaud the government and urge the LNP to come to the table and match these important social housing targets.”

Quotes attributable to Managing Director of Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Dr Michael Fotheringham:

“The Miles Government’s commitment to addressing housing challenges is commendable.

“The genuine ambition shown in Homes for Queenslanders and the work done over recent months brings a new level of sophistication to housing policy.

 “The coordination and cooperation across Queensland government agencies is remarkable.

“AHURI has been delighted to develop a new level of evidence and detailed monitoring to support these ambitions, and looks forward to the successes of Minister Scanlon and colleagues in improving housing opportunities for all Queenslanders.”